In the past few months I've read a few arguments between atheists and Christians and at times though I often feel ill equipped, felt called to offer my two cents. I think if we are perfectly honest as Christians we can say we've all had a moment or two of doubt, when the evil one waits in the wings threatening to undo us and we look heavenward and think, "Is He.... are You... really there God?" I've been extremely blessed in always knowing and believing that God existed and not often feeling such doubts, (I have lots of other doubts about God and His plans, but rarely had any about His actual existence.)
Sometimes though, God speaks to us in the little things in life. This week I was making a white sauce for pasta by incorporating flour into melted margarine in a hot frying pan, then adding milk slowly to make a sauce. I have recently learned this is called a 'roux' based sauce. The first time I had to toss it, it went lumpy because I added too much flour. I knew it as soon as I added some milk. The second time it went perfectly and there's a moment when you're stirring fast and adding milk that the lumpy margarine and flour mixture congeals and turns into a nice thick white sauce.
I love that moment.
That's a moment (one of the many) that I know there is a God, and He made everything work together perfectly.
Oh, I'm sure a scientist could give me the perfect definition with complicated words of why flour and butter and milk in the right amounts will do this. But that was a moment this week, when I really knew that God ordained those ingredients to work that way. He knew when He made the wheat plant and the canola plant and the cow that they would produce ingredients that would do this. And He gave the first guy who made this sauce (bless his heart) the ability to do it.
If something as small as roux sauce can work together so perfectly... I can't ever believe that this world just evolved here from helium and hydrogen, and whatever other miraculous event of big bang proportions that no scientist can truly explain.
And sadly if roux sauce doesn't convince you, as well as every organ in your body working in harmony, or the way babies are made and born or the way the seasons come and go.... etc, etc, etc.... then the Spirit isn't working in your heart, and the only thing I can do about that is pray.
To an evolutionist to say I believe in God because of roux sauce sounds ludicrous. To a person filled with God's Spirit it makes perfect sense... (well to those of us who love to cook anyway :) )
So I keep on praying that the hearts of these people I've argued with about the existence of God are filled with God's Spirit and they too see the truth. And I feel profoundly sad that many don't. It brings to mind Matthew 12: 30, Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. There isn't any 'in between'. If you don't love the Lord you're following Satan, even if you don't believe Satan exists.
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. ~ Matthew 7:13, 14
Be one of the few! God Bless!